Hello, folks!
Welcome to my home on the internet where I've been writing since 2006, sharing my journey as a chief design officer and passionate design leader. Here, you'll find insights on user-centred design, leadership strategies and tips for building exceptional design teams.
Latest Posts
Experiences and Journeys
Understanding the importance of seamless user experiences and journeys.
Managing IC's who are a similar level to yourself
Guidelines for managing individual contributors at your level.
User-centred success measures
A guide to implementing user-centred success measures alongside traditional metrics.
The one that didn't get away
A story about persistence and success in recruitment.
Managers and Leaders
Exploring the differences between management and leadership, and the impact of ineffective managers and leaders
Measuring effectiveness
How to measure and improve team effectiveness in organisations.
The first days
Navigating the initial challenges of a new leadership position.
Change and grow
Reflecting on team growth and transitioning to new opportunities.
The Rebuild
Starting fresh and rebuilding design processes from the ground up.
Design Debt
How to identify and manage design debt in large organisations.
Let's start from the beginning
A guide to people-centred management and the importance of understanding your team.
Describing things
How we can improve the way we describe and communicate about services.
Professional progression
Understanding the journey from junior to director level roles in design.
Managing time effectively as a design leader.
Good product development process
A guide to effective product development process in government digital services.
Impostor Syndrome
Understanding and dealing with impostor syndrome in the design industry.
Proactive instead of reactive product development
The benefits of taking a proactive approach to product development.
So, you want to get into Web Design?
A comprehensive guide to starting a career in web design, from industry insights to career paths.
How to ask for feedback that might be hard to hear
A guide to requesting and receiving constructive feedback effectively.
Creating a mentor programme
How to set up an effective mentorship programme in your organisation.
Geek Mental Help Week Newcastle
Organising and running mental health awareness events in the tech community.
The day that Ben left
Reflections on leadership transitions and maintaining team momentum.
2 years ago
Looking back on two years of working in government digital services.
Service Goals
Reflecting on service goals and outcomes for the Get your State Pension service at DWP.
What is the hardest part of running a design team?
Key insights on leading design teams effectively through communication and community building.
Complaining is nothing without action
Why complaints should be accompanied by solutions and actions.
A letter from the future
A speculative look at how technology might shape our daily lives in the future
A stand up, retro or planning does not make you agile
Understanding the true meaning of being agile beyond ceremonies.
Starting fresh after a difficult year.
Management is great leadership
The principles of effective leadership and people management.
Hello you. Hello you, this is me.
An introduction to my journey and experiences in design leadership
Invest in Yourself
The importance of personal and professional development.
Cleansing the soul with honest design
Reflecting on honest design principles and the transition to public sector work.
It's time for something new
Leaving traveljunction.com and joining GOV.UK services.
We are not all equal
Addressing inequality and diversity in design teams.
Middle Ground
Finding the balance between over and under designing.
Design Team Ethos
Creating and implementing a design team ethos at traveljunction.com.
My 2014
Reflecting on personal and professional experiences throughout 2014.
How to move into a more Senior Role
Practical advice for progressing into senior design positions.
Normalised Design
Why we should challenge normalised design patterns and think differently.
It's ok to not have all the answers
Why it is acceptable to not have all the answers and how to move forward.
Designing with the future in mind
The importance of long-term planning in design decisions.
Understanding The Why
The importance of understanding motivations in design decisions.